Friday, 21 October 2011

Yeeeppppooonn day 4 or 5, have lost count

Winds are down a bit but it would still be an uphill slog into 2 meter seas in 20 knts, so no interest from me or crew. One boat did leave today due to comitments in Sydney, am sure they regretted the second bottle of port at 1:00am, I walked over to the beach to watch their progress and it was not pretty, pic below.
Most of the boats here are all now suffering the same issues of being stuck, the bar at the Capricorn cruising yacht club is now full at opening hours 4 till 7, it is a great place to waste 3 hours daily.
We have met a solo German/Canadian who has some great stories, here is a like to one that was published

Long link but great story; he told another about hitting a reef at hook island after being distracted by some backpackers he had onboard! He has said that the next crew he will dress in sacks so as not to be distracted again.
He is now number 32 in the 'wombat club' whose members are those that have used a parachute anchor in storm conditions

More jobs completed all small now and crew is keen to help; the last pipe in the fwd head has been changed, breather hose, yet to do so we had to remove all the floorboards, a simple job took over 4 hours.

The water in he bay is muddy brown and fairly polluted, yet there is a local turtle who munches on the wharf coral under ES, pic below.
The last pic is a cool tree on the knobby hill that is an old volcano core.

Our current plan it to head out on Saturday through the narrows, past Curtis island, then onto pancake creek and Bundy

1 comment:

  1. Good luck to your new crew in getting your thru the Narrows ! Have fun. Lots of photos please. Missing you and my boat. LoveKx
