Monday, 25 July 2011


Skipper getting us over the bar.

Sorry I haven't been blogging for the last few days. I have been trying to get photos up and it is driving me crazy. I might have to start using the Skippers laptop (which is currently out of bounds).

The last few days have been wonderful. We left Mooloolaba early last Friday and motor sailed with big swells up to Wide Bay Bar (the entrance to Frazer Island). It was a 6 hr trip and none of us novices were sea sick ... Yah ! Mark and Noel managed the bar magnificently despite surfing in on waves and only 5 metres deep. It was a pretty intense moment and relief when we turned the corner around into Inskip Point.

Checking out the yoga instructor!
Ali fishing at sunset
A gorgeous anchorage, we sipped champagne, and watched Alastair drift in his dingy trying to catch some fish. The next morning we got up early and did yoga on the sand bar. Not a bad way to start the day ! Sailed all morning, whilst the girls sunbaked on deck and had lunch at Gary's Anchorage, another nice spot. Couldn't stay long as we had to tackle the sand bars whilst it was high tide. So very carefully Mark navigated the Great Sandy Straits. I didn't think it would get more intense than surfing the bar the day before, but OMG, this was scary. At times we got into 2 metres deep. At one point, Noel and Ali got into the dingy and threw out a lead-line to check the depths.

That night we anchored at White Cliffs (Frazer Is), our favorite spot so far. We enjoyed a beautiful sunset. There was not a breath of wind and it was just magical.

Sunday morning we sailed up to Urangan, Hervey Bay so Mish and Noel could get off Evening Star. Their friends the Walkers were waiting for us at the Boat Harbour. So sad saying goodbye to the Turners. Noel has taught me some pretty handy rope and anchor work and I know Mark is going to miss his help with the boat. Crew leave and it's back to being domestic. Coles shop and then the washing (yes, we still have mundane chores living on a boat).

Monday morning, more boat chores before we head off to Platypus Bay which is on the far north of Frazer. Motor sailing here today, with no swell and light winds, we saw lots of small whales and then anchored off the beach. At first, I was a bit anxious, as we are in the middle of no where. No people ! No boats !

Platypus Bay

We went ashore and I collected shells and Mark and Ali caught some yabbies. The boys swam (too
cold for me) but very pleasant lying on the beach. Very exciting moment just then - Ali caught his first fish for this trip. A baby snapper but unfortunately we had to let it go. Looks like Balgowlah Heights Deli lasagna for dinner.

Happy Hunters


  1. I did i ! Will have to use the boat laptop which I hate, but at least you will be able to see these amazing spots we are sailing too. love Mrs H xxx

  2. yay koo! i will put my photos on for you tonight..xxxxgood pic happy hunters xxx

  3. Thx Mish, great to hv some colour on the blog. Mark just been for a nude early morning swim. Too cold for me. Heading over to Bunderberg today. No wind, hot and perfect sea. Xxxxx

  4. Good to see that you are practising yoga with 1 hand free. Wont be long and you'll manage yoga WITH wine!
    Love the news. Cant tell you how envious we are. Melb sporting its delightful cold drizzle. Oh for sunshine. XX

  5. I thought that I posted this last night.
    Mark might remember his first visit to Brampton about 40 years ago ,when we flew there with Peter Hocking & Mish was admonished as Mark's 'mother' & told to keep him under control.
    An old artist did face drawings of them in the bar

