Wednesday, 20 July 2011

All Onboard at Southport !

Bye Lach
My first blog Onboard the boat at Southport Yacht Club !

So the idea was that Mish, Ali and I would be up early to watch the boat sail into Southport but that didn't happen as they docked at 6am ! Lachlan got off boat and flew back to Syd and then Mish and I went to Main Beach for provisions.

Funny shopping experience in Tedder Ave with my new granny shopping trolley. Got a few bad looks from the glamerama's ! Decided to stay put at club for the day as it looked too tricky to sail up past Strabroke and Morteton Bay (with the sand bars) and maybe it would better to have a really early start tomorrow and sail the ocean to Mooloolabah. So I have one more days grace before I have to conquer my fear and hit the ocean.

Ali sailing 
Today was just gorgeous, sunny warm day. Ali sailing in his Bic, vino's in the cockpit with Mish, and dinner at Club. Mish made Ali do some school work - a word search over dinner ! He did do some science work - splicing some ropes for Mark.

Having some tea before bed in the Rockefeller Lounge - it's 7.30pm !!!! What an exhausting day. Will put up photos when I figure out to do it from the IPad.

Nighty night, K xxxx

1 comment:

  1. Good to see there are fish up there and Ben's hooks do work. Will be up at Airlie from the 11th till the 15th. Col
